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Mel Gibson and Oksana Go To Court To Try and Resolve Child Custody Battle

13 Aug

Oksana Grigorieva and Mel Gibson met separately yesterday with Judge Scott Gordon, to try and resolve their epic custody battle over baby Lucia.

We’re told Oksana met with Judge Gordon in the AM, and Mel showed up today at 1:30 and is still in the judge’s chambers.

The centerpiece of their dispute is an agreement Oksana and Mel signed, which lays out a custody and visitation schedule.  Under the agreement, the dueling parents would have 50/50 custody when Lucia turns 3.

Oksana has tried to repudiate the agreement, while Mel is fighting to keep it in place. I never understand when a mother tries to keep a father from their child especially when they want to spend time with them. There’s so many man who don’t. Do the damn joint custody already. He’s paying for everything else anyway.